Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Saturday Seven - #5

I'm out of town right now (in Alabama currently) but did manage to pack a few things to give away while gone. All of it went to My Old Man's daughter, who just gave birth to her first baby 2 1/2 weeks ago. I gave her a whole bag of things, including 4 nursing gowns that had been passed on to me from someone else, and four tubes of diaper cream, which we no longer seem to need.

And then the things with real sentimental value. First, this nursing gown and robe set, bought for $4 at my Mothers of Multiples clothing sale. I wore it in the hospital after I gave birth.

Here I am in the gown, with Little Buddha, 3 days old.

Here I am with the matching robe on, holding Tiny Dancer in the NICU, at 3 days old.

I also gave her something super-sentimental. The Christmas I was pregnant, she gave us our first clothing gift for the babies, matching duckie robes. I gave her one of them (am not sure what to do with the other one). Here are a couple of shots of the boys in the robes (at 6 months old).

*Sigh*. It made me pretty wistful to be giving this stuff away, but I am not going to need it and there's no sense keeping it in my closet simply because it brings back happy memories of my boys early days.

So that's what I got rid of this week. What about the rest of you?

Things gone this week: 11.
Total things gone so far: 45.


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