The Saturday Seven - #31
The "Yay, craigslist!" edition

It's gone!
Yay! No more big blank eye staring at me in the bedroom. It feels unbelievably freeing to get rid of this. I got $75 cash for it and had a good craigslist experience to boot. Not only did the buyer show up when he had arranged, he actually called me a few hours later to thank me. How cool is that? Finally having a good craigslist selling experience has given me some new energy to try again with my antique table.
I also returned 6 ridiculous and completely unnecessary plastic popcorn holders that I had gotten from the Target Dollar Spot in December. I did not go to Target that day thinking, "Hey, you know what I need? 6 plastic containers made to look like those paper popcorn holders you get at the movie theater. Because I don't have enough stuff cluttering up my kitchen cabinets. And because, you know, I don't want to eat my popcorn out of just regular old bowls." But there they were, in the Dollar Spot, looking all cute and cool. I thought they would be fun. Until I brought them home and My Old Man asked why we needed them. "They were only a dollar!" didn't really cut it as a reason. Still, it took nearly three months for me to make myself take the things back. Am still trying to learn my lesson about that freakin' Dollar Spot.
Hey, thank y'all for the very kind and thoughtful responses to my last post (both on this blog and in my email inbox). I really didn't know what kind of feedback I'd get from such a post, and, like I said, it felt vulnerable. I appreciate the really great responses. I totally agree with what TheAmpuT said - that life is a series of little deaths. I really feel that, even (especially?) whenever any happy milestone occurs - a wedding, a graduation, my babies walking. Happy things, progress, good stuff, forward motion. But these things also mark the little deaths, too. Just like the giving away of things seems to do as well.
Oh, and perhaps it won't surprise y'all to know, as much as I've been wanting that TV gone, I felt a little sad when I saw the guy walking away with it. Yeah, I know, I'm a little ridiculous.
Total this week: 7.
Total so far: 247.
I also returned 6 ridiculous and completely unnecessary plastic popcorn holders that I had gotten from the Target Dollar Spot in December. I did not go to Target that day thinking, "Hey, you know what I need? 6 plastic containers made to look like those paper popcorn holders you get at the movie theater. Because I don't have enough stuff cluttering up my kitchen cabinets. And because, you know, I don't want to eat my popcorn out of just regular old bowls." But there they were, in the Dollar Spot, looking all cute and cool. I thought they would be fun. Until I brought them home and My Old Man asked why we needed them. "They were only a dollar!" didn't really cut it as a reason. Still, it took nearly three months for me to make myself take the things back. Am still trying to learn my lesson about that freakin' Dollar Spot.
Hey, thank y'all for the very kind and thoughtful responses to my last post (both on this blog and in my email inbox). I really didn't know what kind of feedback I'd get from such a post, and, like I said, it felt vulnerable. I appreciate the really great responses. I totally agree with what TheAmpuT said - that life is a series of little deaths. I really feel that, even (especially?) whenever any happy milestone occurs - a wedding, a graduation, my babies walking. Happy things, progress, good stuff, forward motion. But these things also mark the little deaths, too. Just like the giving away of things seems to do as well.
Oh, and perhaps it won't surprise y'all to know, as much as I've been wanting that TV gone, I felt a little sad when I saw the guy walking away with it. Yeah, I know, I'm a little ridiculous.
Total this week: 7.
Total so far: 247.