Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Saturday Seven - #27

the few days late, few dollars short edition

My excuse for not getting rid of 7 things would be that I'm sick, but the fact of the matter is that I didn't actually start getting sick until Saturday afternoon. Theoretically, I should've already been done with last week's Seven Things by then. Of course, I'd been tending to two sick boys for a few days by then. Not to mention making stuff.

At any rate, I came up short this time. I did get a little more inventive, though, with how to give things away. First there was this:

In celebration of my one year blogiversary, I had a random drawing (of the names of people who left comments on my knitting blog) to give away one skein of Malabrigo. I bought this yarn last fall, then used a different yarn for the project, and wasn't going to use this one in the foreseeable future. So I gave it away.

Then on Tuesday, I made my first ever craigslist sale. Several years ago we bought some speaker mounts for our surround sound speakers, but we never used them. We had long ago lost the receipt (though the tag was still on them - $45). Sold them to a college student for $30. I know I lost money, but it felt really good to not only get rid of something but actually get some cash for it (since most of the stuff I've been getting rid of I'm just donating or giving away).

The coolest thing I got rid of this week was a hat that belonged to My Old Man. What was cool about it was that a homeless guy who sleeps at our church asked me for a stocking cap because it was getting so cold. I knit a watchcap for My Old Man last winter, so I knew he had a spare hat (the one he used before I knit him one). I really wanted to knit a cap for the guy at church but I knew that he needed one right away, not whenever I could get one knit. So I went home and got My Old Man's old cap - a nice, thick doubleknit one - and gave it to the guy at church. He was very appreciative, and has been wearing it ever since. It is really nice to give something to someone that you know really needs it.

So that was all for last week. Three things. But it felt like more than that - yarn (which I can't usually bear to part with), something I actually got money for (that had been taking up closet space for 5 years), and something someone in need could really use.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how giving things away is one important step for me in my struggle with stuff, but it definitely cannot be the only thing I'm doing. I'm mulling over what else I need to be doing. More on that later.

Total this past week: 3 things gone.
Total so far: 230.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your yarn is so very much appreciated! It arrived yesterday...I plan on petting it until it tells me what it wants to be when it grows up. I'll make sure to post an FO over on KH

12:06 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

The hat more than made up for your 7 things this week!! What a terrific story.
I too have been thinking more about what I can do lately.

5:23 PM  
Blogger rani said...

I just discovered your project through Wardrobe Refashion and it's amazing! You've inspired me to start a Friday Seven. I'm tossing everything into a suitcase that I drop off at Goodwill or hand out to friends monthly. This week's: an old bag, some jeans, magazines, tape recorder, and 2 paintings. Thank you!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Ellen said...

It's very cold here in Minnesota right now and, while my Saturday Seven usually go to a local charity sale for supporting missions, I've been saving things like hats and gloves in my car for homeless people. Our church makes distress bags (with food,socks, etc.) but in the winter, a hat never hurts.

7:35 PM  

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